Monday, June 30, 2008


This is a post shout out to my bestest friend in the whole world, who just happened to visit this weekend for a long over due, much needed girl chat. Oh and she got to see Kroten too.

So Sammy was the companion for most of my craziest times. There was this one time when we hiked down a huge ravine in our flip-flops. I am pretty sure that it was illegal as there were fences that we had to climb over to get to it. There was this other time that we floated down the river with no boats, and I am pretty sure we almost died because the river was too high. Oh and that one time we were eating pizza on the beach at like midnight, when a freak high tide came in very very quickly, and the ocean ate our pizza and blankets and everything. We spent our high-school life walking around wal-mart taking pictures, going on crazy picnics with peanut m&m's, girls camp, church dances, emo punk music and billy cyrus t-shirts. Oh and I almost forgot the three or four emergency room trips we took. (all for Sam might I add.) We were CRAZY, and I loved it. I cannot imagine a better way to spend your youth than with a crazy best friend who doesn't care if you have frizzy hair, bright green striped pajama pants that you wear every day, and a weird duck face.

HAHA funny story, sam fell off a horse and I fixed her up and then took her to the ER. I thought we should put her hands up so she didn't loose blood!! Good times.

SO hears to sammy, the reason I am who I am.
p.s. sorry sam for the really embarrassing pictures, it was just for effect.


Margaret said...

I'm a Sammy fan too!

Anonymous said...

Kristen I love you!!! I am so glad that we have so many great memories!! I hope they are just the beginning!! I am sure we will have many many more crazy(hopefully more safe) times!! I just really really hope no one ever tells our children! Yikes!!!

I love you soo much!! Tell Kroten AUnt Sam misses him. and Tell Jared to SUIT UP!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think you failed to mention Kroten's honorary grandma, that would be me. I dreamt about him last night and I am going through Kroten withdrawals. Holding a baby is the best therapy ever, I hope he doesn't have to go through withdrawls. Thanks for letting us stay with you and love on your baby. I can't wait until you guys move back.

BECKY said...

Wow Kris... I didn't know about your dark history... :) Loved the post!