I recently took pictures of one of my best friends from elementary school, we were like peas in a pod, tied at the hip, nothing could stop us. That was 5th grade, and look at us now, wifes, and mommies, and WOW life goes too fast. I think I just had what may be classified as a midlife moment, you know when you realize that life is short and your not 10 anymore. It kida takes your breath away, and makes you tear up a bit. {yes tear up a bit, dont laugh.}
It was so fun to take pics of her, and she looks SO good. Pregnancy fits you ash, but then again you always look great, so I am not too surprised. Thanks for humoring my photo bug and letting me take some pics.
I had the hardest time choosing my FAV, so you get to see lots of samples.

Kristen, you are such an amazing photographer!! I really hope you keep posting this kind of stuff, I think your work is much better than many professionals I have seen. You ROCK!!!
ps your editing is so great, not over the top and not too subtle. You must have learned something in all those photo classes... lol
I wish you lived closer!
good job kris!! your friend is so cute!
So so so great. I agree you do such an amazing job. Love you!!
So pretty!
These turned out absolutely gorgeous! Excellent job Krisen, and Ashley looks fabulous :)
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