So the final prognosis is...
Jared talked to the bus station AGAIN, for the 5th time. They said NO for sure this time. They do not have the camera, and they are sure they would know by now. Someone in Jared's class told him to check the pawn shops, so he called and they told him to file a police report. The pawn shops upload the police reports each night and can track if the stuff that is brought in is stolen. So this is our continuing hope. Maybe something CRAZY will happen.
I say everything will be ok for several reasons. Here is my list.
-I have received comfort that it will all be ok. I feel good, kinda wierd, but you know.... its ok.
-I have so much to be grateful for, the camera (allthough my second baby) is low on that list.
-I thought about scrapping the photo thing, but I know that it is something I am supposed to do. I need to develop this talent and I need to have this, FOR MY SELF.
-and the number one reason that this will all work out... trusty dusty (the camera Jared and I got when we got married) is going to pull through. I went and took some pictures with this camera the other day, mostly becuase I needed to see if it could do the job, and I think that it did ok. I am pleased with the results. Maybe it will help me raise money for a new camera. ANY ONE WANT PICTURES TAKEN?

I LOVE this little boy and I love this picture of him. After I uploaded it, I realized his face was a little too washed out, but easily fixable. I will work on that.

Great pics Kristen! I can always count on you for a positive post. You are such a great example to me!!
Not only are you beautiful and wonderful - you have such an amazing FAITH!! I will say little prayers for your camera return. But I am still amazed at how wonderful your pictures are. Kroten is so cute and you have a wonderful family! Hang in there
You have an amazing talent with photography. I think you could make anything look good with any camera, although I know you would love to get it back. Way to look at the positive side of things.
You're awesome. And I love those pics. Kroten is such a stud. And NEVER give up on the photography thing... you have a real talent for it. Keep saving towards replacing it and for now, use trusty dusty. :)
Way to stay positive. Me me!!! I want more pics taken and I still need to pay you for the other day. : )
Way to go Kristen! That is not a fun thing to go through but your attitude is great! How can the Lord not bless you?
Love the new old camera. I'd pay to learn how to edit and do colors so amazing. Color is my thing and no color too. Love the black and white. What would you charge? I;m sorta serious.
Here's a blog Kacey set up to post michayla's mission letters. or something like that.
Aunt Karen (at allan's spot!)
With subjects like these, can you take a bad picture? Kristen, always great pictures and always, always appreciated.
I'm sorry about your camera, but these pictures are way cute. You are an awesome photographer. I always like looking at your photos and the way you capture different things.
Hey Kristen! I'd love to hire you to take some pics of our new baby Eli when he arrives after mid-Nov. or so. I'll be in touch!
I DO want you to take pictures for us. How about some pictures of just the kids - Jenna and Henry? It will probably be some time before the whole family (all seven children) are ready for a picture together. Let's talk about this!
girl, look at all these peoples wanting their picture taken! you'll have your new camera in no time.
(add me to your list!)
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