One month flew by like it was no time at all. I cant believe that you are growing up already.we love you and in one short month, you have become part of our family like you have been here all along.
At one month, kemiry k, you...
Can hold your head up for ten plus seconds.
Like tummy time so far better than k man ever did.
Have brown hair and it even has a reddish tint.
Have NO problems pooping and you let everyone in Sunday school know that several times.
Sleep pretty well at night considering you sleep all day.
Are just one constant butt rash.
Love (not) wearing lots and lots of bows. You will get the hang of it!!
Have been waking up at 1:30 am and 4:30 am pretty consistently.
Are a nursing machine, wait to go girl.
Are the loudest eater I have ever seen.
Don't like to burp, you may be a lady, but please learn to burp.
Are like a little princess in that you get everything you want and you know it too.
Do not like your car-seat but you don't mind it once we get on the freeway.
Open your eyes so much more now and I think they might even be blue.
Take a bottle fabulously so far. Keep it up.
Might be a plug (binki) taker, I am not sure how I feel about this yet.
Snort when you are really mad.
Like the vibrating bouncy seat. Thank goodness.
Love big brother and his kisses.
I can't believe how in love I am with you kem. We love having you and cant wait to watch you grow into a beautiful young woman... Please do it slowly.