Because I know you all liked it, I will do an minute by minute play by play again.

4:00 pm - I bought a womb sounds bear, I heard these things work wonders. (I kept it in the box incase it didn't work.)
8:00 - Bath time.
8:30 - fed Kroten dinner.
9:00 - bed time in the crib.
9 - 10 - Kroten cried.
10:00 - Silence . . .
10:05 - I checked on him, and unfortunately he was not asleep, just playing and kicking away.
10:15 - I felt bad, but at the advice of my husband and mother, I left him in there.
I am not sure if he actually slept anytime in here, but I am assuming he did.
11:00 - Starts crying again, but I am not going to feed him till 11:30. so I let him cry it out again.
11:20 - I fell asleep. I am not sure if Kroten did the same, but I didn't hear him.
12:00 - Kroten is awake and hungry, so I fed him.
12:45 - Kroten done eating and asleep.
12:47 - in his crib with the bear, Kinda fussing.
12:55 - Silence, I am assuming this time that he is asleep.
5:00 - Awake and hungry. WOOHOO... 5 hours in the crib, it is a miracle.
5:45 - Back to sleep in crib with the bear.
8:00 - Awake for the day.
Don't get to excited, it was only one night. I am praying that it works again tonight.
I cant take all the credit. I would like to say I am amazing, but I must add this disclaimer: I was praying all night that this would work. Any miracle that happened was all the Lord. Pray that it works again.
so..... your answers to my questions did help ALOT! thank you! but i am the only one posting! start posting woman!
So is the womb bear a keeper?!
Yeah!!! So happy to hear things are getting a little easier for you. You are doing great momma!☺
That's awesome! I am glad that he was able to sleep a longer and that you were able to get some shut eye. Things will get better I promise.
just a quick random did you get Aaron Allen's blog address? did you email him... My mom ran into the Allen clan at Peg and Rudy's house last sunday and they were asking about me and the rest of my sisters... so, i thought i would say hello...
WOW! That sounds stressful but you are doing great. I will be living in Rexburg and I will be leaving in a week(July 26). I would LOVE to see you and the baby. It has been so long. I would love the help with cooking.
P.S. I am glad that you read my
Kristen, I'm so glad you are honest and straight-forward about motherhood. I think a lot of women don't talk about the hard stuff enough. It's good hearing a different opinion!
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