I have officially resigned my position...
I QUIT!Actually I did that 5 months ago, but I told them I would stay until they have someone oreiented to my position. Unfortunitly that took 4 months. Well three months to hire and one to train. YUCK, it has been a horrible last few months. My body just can't take the night shift thing, and it has only gotten worse as the pregnancy has progressed. First I was sick as a dog with morning sickness, and ever since, I have had cold after cold and runny nose after stuffy nose. It has been interesting to be sick so much, I normaly have the imune system of a tiger. And sleep is getting more difficult, as would be expected at 6 months pregnant, so that adds a whole new kink to the mixture.
But, I am
D . O . N . E ... done.
Since I knew I would be working a while (I didnt expect this long)I had NO desire to make, let alone keep, any new years resolutions. But I have been thinking alot about some areas that I personally need to improve on. So I have decided to make some
new yous resolutions since quiting my job really is going to be a new me. I know you all want to know what they are, and I know y ou all are going to hold me to it.
1. Read
scriptures daily
2. Say personal
prayers more dilligently
3. play with k man more (he is demanding more and more attention these days and I havent quite picked up on his groove.)
4. Clean the house more as a priority and KEEP IT CLEAN.
5. Finish all started or planned sewing projects
6. Do my prenatal yoga everyday (till baby comes)
7. (6 weeks after baby) WORK OUT and DIET... lose it baby (there is a lot more goals where this one comes from.)
8. Do more food storage
9. make and carry out a menu each month
10. Go to the
temple once a month
11. Have
Family Home Evening every Monday
12. And since it will take more day light to compleat it all, I would like to get up at 630 to start my day before the boys get up. (we will see if this one works out.)
13. Floss my teeth every day
A shout out to my hubby, he is the most motivating man in the world. Jared made a new years resolution to not drink any soda till his birthday. Well that day came and went and he has still not drank any soda. On May first Jared will be soda free for 4 months. That is 120 days. If he can do that, I certanly can read my scriptures and play with my K man more.