I have truly struggled the last three months to find balance in these new roles that I am now supposed to master. It is hard to grasp all the roles at once. Mother, Wife and Kristen. Sometimes I get these roles confused with baby sitter, maid, and selfish. It is hard to take care of Kroten and give him everything he needs when the house needs to be cleaned and I want to spend quality time with my husband. With all of that, forget a shower.
Today I did it. Dont ask me how and dont expect me to do it again, but today I really feel like I filled the roles.
Here is a list of all the things I "accomplished."
Worked out
Cleaned the Bathroom (Including the toilet)
striped the bedding to be washed(still needs to be washed, but were on a roll)
read my scriptures
updated the blog
did I already say WORKED OUT!!! (I am proud of this one.)
Made lunch for Jared.
Took care of Kroten
Did a little homework
Called a Baby sitter so Jared and I can go to the temple tomorrow. (This one is a big deal, but that is another story.)
Took a shower
Plucked my eyebrows
finished unpacking from our trip
Cleaned the living room.
Did my hair
and I am about ready to go vacuum
And it is only 5 o' clock.
Again dont ask me how I did it. Most days I am lucky to get one of those things done. take it day by day I guess.
Oh and one more thing I learned today is that life goes on even if you dont watch "What Not to Wear" at 10 am on TLC. It is an interesting and sad epiphany I had that my show doesn't fit into any of those roles that I am trying to balance.