Friday, August 07, 2009

No shirt... no shoes...

That's OK.

I went in to get Kroten out of bed this morning, and this is what I found...

He had taken his shirt off.
(see how proud he is of himself.)

I was shocked and curious how he did it. I was sure that it was a one time thing. Maybe he did it on accident while sleeping or something like that. But about 15 minutes later, while he drank his morning milk, I turned around to find this...

He had taken his pants off.
(I am giggling as I write this, that is how funny it was.)

At this point I was thinking of all possibilities for this fluke... maybe these pj's are too big, maybe the pants fell off, maybe I took them off and don't remember. Just as I am pondering this, I saw this...


I am still shocked!
Silly boy.
Next stop diaper...



Gina Hurst said...

I would be worried, he might be picking a future profession!

BECKY said...

Ha!!! And HA! at Gina's comment! Well I guess he doesn't like clothes anymore... be prepared for a daily battle!!

Deidra Smith said...

So fun when they start doing this, and just pray that the diaper isn't next. Every one of my sister-in-law's kids have gone through the take off the diaper and smear contents all over everything stage. She had to potty-train them all at about 18 months just to prserve her sanity . . . . and house:)

Karen said...

The next stage is putting stuff back on---all day---every day! That's when the drawers are free game and clothes become something to change every ten minutes and leaving the house is a battle when they don't get to wear their favorite shirt (or costume as the case was with Kacey) again whether it's dirty or not. Get ready for your self-esteem to take a beating. But in the end, who really cares what they look like? When they learn to talk and they can and do say anything that crosses their mind, in public, very loudly. That's where the REAL fun begins!

Karen said...

Hey Kristin,

Do you ever think about giving a blog page production tutorial? Yours is SO cute and easy to read and I'm wondering where you get your templates and fonts (fonts especially!)? Also, is there an easier and faster way to upload pictures than slowly slloowwllyy, one at a time?

Just wondering...

Margaret said...

LOL. That's why I always had my toddlers in those snap onesies. So they couldn't get their diaper off. I lived in fear of that day and, thankfully, it never came.