Kroten got these cool cars, but all he
wants to do is eat them.

Kroten and Grandma. We are going to
miss her. We promise to we will visit!!!

Ali opening her presents.

Kroten helping open one of his
many, many presents.

Kroten screamed every time Jared
would open a present. Jared thinks
it is because he wanted to do it
himself, but I am pretty sure
that it scared him.

Jared made these awesome dutch oven
boxes for his Dad. I know I have said
it before, but my man is so talented.

Carol, happy about her great gift.
1 comment:
Ahh! I love these pictures! Kristen you are totally rockin' your new camera. You are awesome. PS I love the Kroten pic where he is crying, lol. I can hear crying baby sounds in my head when I look at it, haha.
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