Thursday, June 23, 2011

WHOA... I feel good, I knew that I would.

Doesn't this picture make you think of that awesome James Brown song "I feel good"...

Or you can look at it as him screaming bloody murder because mommy wants to take yet another picture. I swear he wasn't crying, but some might think he was.

I prefer to think he is screaming "so good... so good... I got you!" Its a glass half full kind of thing I guess.

But what is really going on?

I am entering this awesome photo of my little James Brown in a child photo contest called Your best Shot (and that makes me think "hit me with your best shot... fire away!" oh good ole' Pat Benatar.) on this awesome blog Paper Mama.

The Paper Mama

Choosing my "best shot" was tough! I don't know if I would say that this was my bestest bestest best shot, (if I didn't have dishes to do and laundry to fold, I would take more time to shuffle through all my pictures) but this is definitely one of my favorite. I think it captures how fun K man can be. I just love him!

Go take a look at all the other awesome pictures, There are so many talented people out there, I am honored to put my picture among theirs.

1 comment:

Katie said...

What a fun picture Kristen! PS I love Pat Benatar, now its stuck in my head lol.