Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Two is TERRIBLE!!!

Right now, this age,  28 months, 2 and a half, today, this is NOT my favorite k man stage!!!!


What do you do when his favorite word is NO.

What do you do when you put him to bed at 8, but it is 2 potty trips, one glass of milk, just one toy car, a meltdown and midnight before he is asleep.

What do you do when he hits and screams and nothing, NOTHING, will pacify him?

What do you do when he rocks the car seat with the baby in it so hard that she cries?

What do you do when he has so much energy that you wonder when he is going to drop?

What do you do when he wears snow boots night and day for a week straight?

What do  you do when he runs away from you at the park and screams so hard you are afraid people will think you are trying to kidnap him?

What do you do when you realize you might be punishing too much when he spanks mommy and says go to time out?

What do you do when you dread him coming home from the baby sitters?

What do you do when all he wants to do is watch Nemo or cars?

What do you do when he has no more clean underwear because he goes through all of them in two days?

What do you do when your greatest desire is to clean the house without a toddler under your feet?

What do you do when clothing is not an option?




I know, I know... this to shall pass.


Katie said...

UGGGHHH I am right there with you, sista!! And my favorite word is the same as K-man's, "NO!!!!". lol, "This too shall pass" - I should get that on a plaque for my house : )

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhh kroten..... there's 2-year olds, and then there's redheaded 2-year olds. haha

Jen said...

Oh man, that was me 2 years ago. A baby and a 2-year-old. YIKES! The only thing I can tell you is that it gets better, and they eventually grow out of most of those things that drive you crazy. Good luck, and welcome to YW!

Sarah said...

Isn't it amazing how we still love our kids despite how much we just want to kick them out of the house a lot of the time?!

teamZ said...

What do you do? Whatever it takes for you not to go insane. If that means you say, "Mom needs a time out. I am going to my room (take the baby for safety reasons)" Or find a friend to trade with so you can clean without a 2 yrolds help. Sometimes, it might be taking a breath and counting to 10. Who knows for sure? But give yourself a break, relax, there is a reason everyone calls it the terrible 2s!

Older Moss said...

You mean its suppose to end when they are 3?

Karen said...

You do exactly what you are doing: You whine and cry and blog and hug and kiss and pray and thank God for every single moment you have with them and then you get out of bed and do the same thing the next day, and the next and the next. You are amazing, don't forget this important fact.

Kirsten said...

Prayer!!!! I can not tell you how many times I have felt like I was way over my head (all the time) and I will get that wonderful idea (my answer) that is perfect for this particular child. I wish I could say it gets better at 3, but my motto is that who ever came up with terrible twos hadn't had a 3 year old yet. Love you!!!!

Ging said...

It passes too quickly- so try to find the humor in it. Occassionally.

Ashlee said...

I cry and pray and then take a big breath. You are not alone :)Thanks for the Photo shoot today- I can't wait to see how they turn out. You are amazing

LeaAnne said...

Love you.. I say go for the bathroom cry time and then breath and things will be better for a moment of two.. then tough again. ;) I know you will make it, but I also know it is really hard! Be brave!

KeiserFamily said...

sounds like someone is having quite the adjustment to being a bbig brother:) the good news is three is totally worse the two..atleast for us! good luck with everything, two babes was such a hard adjustment for us. love your bew header esp the pic of your baby! its too cute!