Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mothers day

I normally would say something mushy and lovely about how being a mom is hard work (baldy blah) and how although it is hard work it is  very rewarding etc. 

But I am not in a very mushy mood and this post is late mostly because I dont have time because being a mom is hard work... you get it. 

I DO love these kids, and I AM glad that I am their mom...

(notice K man's neckalace that he gave to ME for mothers day but insisted on wearing it to church and to school the following day. lol)

Both kiddos made me awesome presents in their sunday school class. We have such good primary leaders. 

AND... Jared...who is really, really, really bad at holidays, did very good this year. He made me feel very special. In addition to all my presents, he made me waffles with strawberries and whipped cream for breakfast. And got the kiddos 90% ready for church.
I am glad to be a mom, it is hard work, but very rewarding.  

1 comment:

Katie said...

Kristen you are so gorgeous and those kiddos of yours are so dang cute, it looks like you had a fabulous mother's day, I miss ya friend!!