Sunday, December 09, 2007

The christmas tree hunt.

We hiked up in the mountains to get our christmas tree, it was quit the hike. We found one after about 2 hours of foreging our way through the think forest landscape. The pictures are mainly of us hiking through the feet of snow and trees, to find the perfect christmas center peice. my favorite picture is of jared making his way through the cold, bow saw in hand. The other one I like is jared laying on the ground with his tounge out, this picture was of him seeing how tall the christmas tree was. We estimated about 3 feet taller than him, but we were off by a few feet, and cut off about two feet just to get it in the door. Over all, great experience, I cant wait to make our kids do this every year!

This picture shows how trecherous the terrain was. okay it wasnt that bad, but I like to make it sound like it.

We hiked all the way down this trail, only to find no good trees and then had to hike back up. My favorite part was the CRUNCH CRUNCH sound the deep snow made.

Look how thick the trees were, at times I wished that I had a machetee (spell check!) unfortunatly the trees were so think that none of them were very full. so we moved on to another spot.

ahhhhh... atlast we found a tree!! This picture is the most handsom manly man in the world doing his magic with a tool. None other than a bow saw.

This is jared measuring the height of the tree, it doesnt work as well as you might think.

3 1/2 Months Prego!!!

This is Kristen modeling her new maternity pants... they are still a little big, but this is the first signs of a baby bump... We just read in our baby book that the baby is about 4" long, so that is like a small squirel in her tummy... gross imagery I know, but it works.

2 Months Prego!!!

This picture was taken a little while ago, at 9 weeks. Any bump you see is all me, the baby is too small. But this will give you a reference for when the curvy pictures start coming!!! Oh and Jared got me this pretty flower because he loves me!