Wednesday, July 28, 2010

mommy wow...

I am in no hurray to potty train Kroten, but Jared feels differently. So Nana bought Kroten some big boy pants. They are just that, BIG... my skinny 2 year old doesn't quite wear 2T undies yet. But he did really well, no accidents in them. We will see how the next few days of trying to wear them goes. I am actually fine with potty training now, because if he has an accident, I can't help much, so Jared will have to do all the cleaning up. :)


What is better than watching baseball in your underware? playing ball in your skivies...

At the end of the video, k man hit the ball into the hat, and it stuck just like this. Laughing this hard after a c-section hurts!!!

ps... more kem updates soon. I promise!

1 comment:

Introspective Steph said...

oh man...i know how much that hurts to laugh after a c-section!!