Thursday, November 18, 2010

gratitude {day 18}

I am grateful for the plug, (as my husband insists we call it)


We are sorta anti-plug. Kroten never took one and took to his thumb instead and that has been such a blessing for several different reasons. So we were hoping that kem would do the same. She, however, has become quite fond of this little contraption that is attached to her face. I dont like it, but I am grateful for it.

We leave for a 12 hour road trip today... I AM GRATEFUL FOR THE PLUG!!!

Which leads me to tell you that I am going to not care about the computer while we are away, so I will do catchup gratitude when we get home! I will still be looking though!


Katie said...

Oh I am soooo pro-plug, that is funny. Taking away the plug at 18 months however, was TERRIBLE. And btw, that plug is cute!!

Introspective Steph said...

I wasn't too interested in using the plug... but Rob wanted William to use it. Luckily, for us William doesn't use either :)

Kendra said...

You are a brave brave woman! I have refused to go any farther than 3 hours so far with my two. Good Luck!

BECKY said...

the plug is a necessary evil. little e LOVES it and can't sleep without it. thus sleep training and much much screaming....
Have a fun trip!