Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Happy Birthday Blog.

2 whole years.

2 my blog:
You have been so good to me.

We have cried together, laughed lots, and reminisced.

Here is to many more years of...
Listening to me rant
keeping me company during my graveyard shifts
putting up with the changes
learning to blog together
keeping track of my growing boy
hours of nit-picky overly obsessive posting
and writing my life story.

2 my readers:
Although there may be few of you. Thanks for reading my rants, commenting on my posts, and being interested in our life. It wouldn't be possible without you.

2 Jessica:
Thanks for hooking up blog and I.
You are such a good matchmaker.

2 my posterity:
This blog is for you. Read it, cherish it, love it, and learn from my mistakes.


Eric and Jessica said...

Glad I could help :) And since you never call me anymore, it's the only way I keep tabs on you guys. Ok so I've been bad about calling too. We miss you guys!! Happy B-day blog!

Deidra Smith said...

Cute post. Yay for blogs!!

BECKY said...

Happy Birthday to K's blog!!! I'm so glad we can keep in touch this way... I love your overly obsessive picture posts. :)

Lemme said...

congratulations!!!! my blogs birthday is coming up too!!