Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Way to go!!!

I try to go for a big walk a few times a week, and we live right by the bike path, it is so nice to be right by the path and it is such an awesomely beautiful day today, I couldn't pass it up. Sometimes I forget how good it feels to get out and do something like that. Today something cool happened, I was towards the end of what sometimes feels like an endless five miles, pushing Kroten in his stroller and a lady came running by with her dog and said "way to go mom...good for you." That just made my day! And I can't help but think how proud I am of myself for doing the right thing to get healthier. Every once in a while you have to pat yourself on the back and say...

"Way to go mom... Good for you."

It is motivating to know your doing good, that lady will never know that she gave me the push to keep going... Skinny here I come!


Lakes are Great said...

wootwoot! way to go. 5 miles is a long way!! For some reason though when I finish a long run I feel like I need to treat myself with something extra great like nachoes or ice cream or a big huge sprite...then I end up canceling out my work out. Oh well right?

Mr. and Mrs. Hillarious said...

Way to go! It's always nice to have that extra pat on the back, huh?

Introspective Steph said...

I had a similar experience... (well i'm not trying to lose pregnancy weight...but other weight). I was out riding my bike with my husband and my husband was like a mile ahead of me cuz i ride my bike slow and i'm more out of shape than he is... And I was just pushing my bike up a huge hill and some guy (that I don't really know from church who's a military guy)was running down the hill and smiled and gave me a thumbs up sign. Well, I did feel embarrassed for having to walk my bike up the big hill...but then I thought about it and said to myself..."hey at least I'm out here doing that. I could be sitting at home and doing nothing." So, I felt proud of myself.

p.s. I hate riding my bike. LOL

BECKY said...

Good for you is right! Keep it up sister! I LOVE your new top thing! The family picture is ADORABLE!!! I like your anti-candy cupboard sign. :) And great idea on the Tigers game... it looked like a blast!

Anonymous said...

way to go! It is hard to stay motivated sometimes. I know I am going through that right now. Keep it up.

Teresa said...

That is cool. Good going, Kristen!